Pause, immerse & deeply reconnect to yourself 

Imagine booking a private bespoke retreat on Iona  – just you and me – knowing that everything is going to be tailor-made taking into account all the following:

Where you are at in your life – the crossroads looming up ahead
Your specific challenges you are facing
Life and business strategy needed at this stage of your life
Your energy levels and health
What you wish to transform including any forgiveness, healing and letting go processes
Your life and work calendar and what works with your current commitments

♥  Regain a sense of self – for your sanity & peace of mind
♥  See things from a different perspective as you face what’s ahead
♥  Disconnect & take some quiet time to find the answers
♥  Have someone to hold you to your own promise and gift this to yourself
♥  Experience profound support to guide your retreat process. Kate really understands what a retreat entails
♥  You don’t fancy the idea of group work right now & are fed up of being online virtually

Kate’s bespoke retreats are personally created for you to experience the tangible magic that exists on IONA, a sacred isle in the inner Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland.

Read more about Cutting The Threads that Bind retreat that Kate runs on Iona as this could highlight what you might
want to focus on during your PRIVATE RETREAT together.

Traveling to IONA is quite simply a pilgrimage of its own, and if it is calling your name …
perhaps it’s time to heed that call!


 Book a connect call and fill out an application form
♥ Initial Strategy Session to prepare for your Retreat
♥ Make your beautiful journey to the Isle of Iona – accommodation depends on the availability  & timing of your retreat
♥ Personal 1:1 support for up to 4 hours per day while ON your retreat.
♥ Tailor-made exercises, rituals, and processes are created especially for your retreat
♥ Post Retreat session to Integrate all your insights
♥ Retreat are generally 5 nights, and can be adjusted from 4-7 nights

Prices on request depending on the time of year, duration and accommodation available.

Sound intriguing?

I LOVE to hold space and support you to intentionally reflect. By curating the appropriate processes for you from the moment you arrive by ferry …you will feel proud and fulfill your promise and intention on your retreat.


You will have a preparation session before arriving on Iona to help you make the most of your island immersion.
Kate will meet you off the ferry and settle you into your accommodation. This can vary depending on the season and availability. She has a few island properties she favors when you are joining her for a private retreat.

Start your day with an optional cold water swim to reset your clock and revitalize your spirit. Kate is an avid water swimmer who spends most mornings on the beach all year round. IF swimming isn’t your thing, then blow away the cobwebs by taking a wild walk on the pristine white sand beaches right on your doorstep. Or soak up the dramatic dawn and sunrises while sipping fresh coffee. The beaches are a perfect place for your heart work, prayers and gratitude.  And don’t worry, if you don’t feel full of self-love at the start of your retreat, you will be fully reconnected to yourself by the end. Day by day this is a process of finding your way back to yourself again. Kate is on hand to gently and professionally guide you back to yourself.

Enjoy breakfast quietly on your own perhaps doing some poignant reflecting and you will meet Kate for your daily process and connect at around 10 am. Depending on the weather and time of year, this could be on the beach, over a walk exploring hidden caves and sacred sites, or in your accommodation. No two days are the same on Iona and it’s good to be flexible to make the most of this precious place!

Generally, the morning session is a flexible 2-3 hours. All of this is tailored to you so we work with your energy and needs, rather than sticking to a rigid schedule. It can take the form of conversation-style coaching, deep practical process work, or some other modality to help understand what is unfolding in your heart and head.

Some days clients prefer one of the days explore on their own and just connect over dinner for some guidance and reflection together.

Kate will send you off to do some specific exercises and reflection on your own, exploring the delights of Iona and finding exactly what you need as you let the days unfold slowly.
The whole point is to SLOW DOWN and reflect.

This might be enjoyed out in a local cafe in the summer, or a picnic enjoyed on a hilltop, or hearty soup after a chilly morning outside. Delicious nourishment and tasty sweet treats are key to helping you savour your retreat.

Afternoons are perfect for slowing down even more and integrating your morning process. Spend time reading, napping, perhaps shopping (in the summer months only), or finding your way to the Abbey or nunnery ruins for some reflection & contemplation.
Deep conversations can happen with strangers you meet on the street on Iona – or you can equally spend your week reflecting on your own and not interacting much with anyone other than nature and Kate.

What bliss right?

Folk travel to Iona from all over the world for healing, release, and processing of huge life chapters endings or beginnings. It is a place to find your heart again – to forgive yourself and others, and dive deep into your relationship with yourself and your versions of god/universe/nature. It is a place that calls to your heart.

Kate’s role is to support your energy and needs.

You will generally meet up with Kate for another 1:1 session over dinner.
Then it’s early to bed unless star gazing is called for on those crystal clear Northern nights.
A few surprises are to be expected but Kate only reveals those when you are here on Iona.

To ensure you carry your process into your life back home, you will have a follow-up session within a month of your retreat. This can also be a fully supported 3-month mentoring process depending on the retreat package you book.

VARIATIONS- come with a friend who wants to do similar work to you e.g.
Mastermind your Lives
Cutting the Threads that Bind
Silent Retreat
Wilding with Water

The weather in Iona is dramatic – all year round!
Its remote location means it remains largely unspoiled and attracts very specific types of people who dare to venture here and make the effort to take two ferries and a bus from Oban on the mainland. It truly feels like another world! Expect enticing aqua-blue water and snow-white sandy beaches in summer, the deepest blue skies in the shoulder seasons, the most magical light in winter. All year boasts profound views of the inner and outer Hebridean islands.


The energy of change was swirling about all around me, yet I seemed to have forgotten how to dream big or even differently. I was feeling rudderless, tossed about by others’ decisions and stressed. A health scare in December got my attention, I could not go on like this however the usual goal setting and other such advice wasn’t fit for purpose here.
I had been on a small group retreat in Iona with Kate the previous year which had already shifted a number of unexpected things, so when synchronicities lined up to do a private retreat with her this April, I jumped at the chance.
I arrived grey-skinned, tired, and unbeknownst to me at the time, in the early stages of burnout. Kate tailored the activities to work within these temporary limits, expanding as my energy and color to my face returned.
It is hard to put into words how huge internal shifts seemed to click into place and have rippled out into other areas of my life. I chose Kate to do this private retreat with because I knew she would hold me accountable, nudge and guide at the right times, which of course she did magnificently. The wonderful, delicious food provided and the magic of Iona and her people added to the experience. I have often been skeptical of big, instantaneous type shift change reviews, particularly wondering how long these shifts last. It’s been a month now since I returned and the ball is still rolling.
May I suggest: if you’re reading this and you feel a spark or a tug of the heart or even the call of Iona as the place for your retreat; if you want to motor at your pace and have the space for synchronicities and the desire for changes in your life then I’d recommend connecting with Kate for your own growth plan. Her support and wisdom is amazing. I trust her which allows me the space to trust myself and the kick -a-shifts that happens in a blink. Come prepared to work and to shift.
Oh and I wouldn’t advise being attached to a set outcome, The Universe doesn’t always agree 🤣💖


I’d never been on retreat before, so had a mixture of nerves and excitement about my private  Cutting the Threads That Bind retreat. The few days at Kate’s Iona Retreat were powerful. She worked with my goal and energy levels and created a memorable and moving experience.

As an overworked CEO, looking ahead to a new chapter (professionally and personally), the retreat gave me space, stillness and a deep calm to reflect, release and feel clarity moving forward. I’m truly glad I did this and would highly recommend it to other women. CK England


Working with you these past 3 months has been like an awakening for me, enabling me to turn my vision into action. I have emerged with a renewed conviction and absolute clarity of purpose. Your mentorship, guidance and not mention some butt kicking to keep me on track and not diving off down the many rabbit holes I find to distract myself (read: self-sabotage my dreams) has been instrumental in getting me to this point. Living my passion is now no longer a dream floating out there. It has begun to manifest in my life; achieving my target of 5 new clients, doors of opportunity opening that I could not have imagined and a solid plan to reach my goals to close out this year with a bang. Your positive energy, genuine care and your belief in me has inspired, motivated and challenged me to continue to follow my passion and to do whatever it takes to live the life I want to live.
Thank you! You have been my secret weapon and best investment!
All my Love, Karen
I signed up for Kate Emmerson’s 3M mentoring package, which I decided to use as my personal Wellness Project, at the end of a very intense two-and-a-half-years. I had no idea the 3 months were going to turn into such a profound and powerful time for me.
Kate’s expert facilitation and her incisive but sensitive way of getting to the heart of a matter helped me to shift some deep seated issues. I decided to do a retreat during our time together and Kate remotely held the space for me to do this, and was available for support when I needed it. Kate helped me to gain clarity on the next step of my journey and gave me the practical tools I needed to move forward. She gave me a new perspective on things I had been struggling with.
Kate will challenge you to go deeper, because she 100% believes in you and your potential. She supports you in stepping into your authentic self, will catch you when you fall and leaves you feeling inspired and believing in yourself. It has been such a transformational 3 month process that I have signed up for further 6 months! Di Atherton South Africa
With Kate at your side – everything around you just starts to move…
I first met Kate when I was looking to get back into the workforce after five years of being home with my two girls. Despite a degree from Harvard I had completely lost my confidence, my brain felt like mush and I had no idea if anyone would ever want to hire me. Kate picked me up, dusted me off and made me believe in myself again. She helped me plan and execute my comeback strategy and in 6 weeks helped me land my dream job. I kept in touch with Kate and now, 20 years on, when I was looking for a coach to help launch my business, Kate is the only person I wanted on my team.
Kate is coach, strategist, marketer, motivator, guide and cheerleader all rolled into one. She channels her immense positive energy and laser focus attention towards you – giving you the confidence you need to get to the next level. And more than that, somehow, with Kate at your side – everything around you just starts to move.  Things begin to fall into place, doors open, opportunity comes knocking on your door and paths you didn’t know existed, begin to open up. 
Working with Kate is a transformational experience. Your life will never be the same and neither will you. With all the confidence in the world I can say to you that working with Kate is the best investment you will ever make and that if you are serious about change and growth – you will reach out today and connect with her. Naheed Hassan – International Development Consultant. Trainer and Entrepreneur Dubai
As a coach myself, I am very particular about who I entrust my own coaching to, and Kate’s that person. I have known and worked with Kate since 2008 and she has consistently assisted me to reach new insights and to cross the threshold into the unknown in a supportive and caring way. I love working with Kate and highly recommend her. Belinda Coleman xx Cape Town
Amazing! I spent my morning looking at how I can shift from an old way into a new way in my business…3 years in and it’s time to shift the model! Very grateful for your time and provocation Kate Emmerson! Also grateful for being able to step back and reimagine… Wendy Nagel  The Potentiality Co.
Kate was an amazing sounding board in our strategic session. She helped me find the courage to acknowledge the life I want to lead this year and identify all the key layers- family and parenting, business productivity, energy and space, as well as health and personal fitness that I need to attend to. The informal lunch session was hard-hitting and all I needed to catalyze the powerful next steps in making it real. Sometimes we just need that wise, neutral, compassionate but challenging ear- Kate listens deeply, asks insightful questions, calls you on limiting beliefs and then sends you on your way with a host of ideas to consider and resources to support you.
I deeply rely on those strategic lunch sessions to keep me on track, what a gift! Juliette Jenner  The Dynamic Voice Co

Did you read my personal account and insights from my own transformational Retreat?
Iona – Honouring the Call of Closure?

You will receive an application form ahead of connecting


There are two forms of courage in this world. One that demands we jump into action with our armor on.
The other demands that we strip ourselves bare-naked and surrender.
Bravery is a curious thing. Jeff Brown