There is nothing that makes me prouder than to offer up my second book DITCH YOUR GLITCH, published by Metz Press. Published 31st August 2015
A purposeful journey to face your “glitch”.
An honest process to step in, step up and step out.
Ditch your glitch is true to Kate’s well-loved style of being honest, authentic, inspirational and compassionate. Her unique process of step in, step up and step out into the world helps you shift gears exponentially to find a new
way forward to shine your light. It’s filled with snippets of her own fascinating life story and interwoven with success stories from brave clients who faced their glitch. This book takes you on a powerful yet practical journey to the self, through deep, inner exploration and transformation so that you can heed her call to live a life of magnificence.
- Discover five glitches and identify what’s tripping you up
- Follow 21 easy steps to get jiggy with your goals
- Liberate yourself through the “potato” exercise
- Take responsibility and finally stop the blame game
- Ditch sabotaging self-limiting beliefs
- Stop letting your fear be bigger than you
- Set ballsy boundaries once and for all
- Let go of emotional baggage to unleash energy
- Boost your bucket before you kick the bucketAre you ready to ditch your glitch?
“If I choose to, then I want to,
If I want to, then I can,
If I can, then I must,
If I must, then I will!”
This mantra represents the essence of this amazing work. Kate has shared her innermost secrets and demons, and in her inimitable way shares her journey and the journey she has helped other people on, one stepping stone at a time. I was inspired, shocked, amused and privileged to read this book. Kate- you are an incredible human being and this book should next to everyone’s bed. Ditch your Glitch rocks! Helen Nicholson – Director of The Networking Company. Johannesburg.
Like a good friend who tells you hard truths, Kate takes you firmly by the hand and guides you on a challenging, life-changing journey. Bravely revealing her own story throughout, she gives you the courage to face your glitches and heal past hurts. Ditch Your Glitch gifts you with the take-charge tools you need to transform your life. Fiona Davern – Executive Editor at Destiny Magazine. South Africa
Written from such a heartfelt, truthful and sincere place, the result is nothing short of a miracle. It’s a multicoloured roadmap to feeling lighter, more focused, action orientated and all the while being playful along the journey. I particularly loved the potato exercise and found it fiercely challenging and such a relief when I could finally unload those pesky, heavy items and baggage. Most of the glitches resonated with me, but the one that loomed large in my life is that of being a “Dreadful Dismisser”, not a good thing when one has chosen a creative profession where there is no such easy demarcators as right and wrong. Valuing others opinions more than my own kept me stuck in a development cycle of wishy washy scripts until I read this book, committed to the self development work suggested in these pages and finally, courageously prioritised my own opinion and value. I now have a script that I am proud of, that reflects my vision and the magic of the book, and am willing to stake a claim on my choices. It’s not to say that other people’s opinion don’t count, it’s just that mine does too. And it’s not to say that I have composed “Eroica” but I trust myself and my judgement to stand firm, head held up high and say, it’s my personal “Eroica”. Thank you Kate. Patrick Holzen – Film and TV Producer. London
“Sharing the details of a dark, hard past, Kate pulls back the curtain on all that holds us back…the secrets that keep us from a bright, happy life. Raw, revealing, and authentic, she shares her hard-earned insights on becoming honest with ourselves so that we can find genuine happiness and live large. I’m honored to help Kate bring her powerful message to the masses in the movie “The Secrets of the Keys” ~Robin Jay – Filmmaker (The Key Movies), Author. Las Vegas
Ditch your Glitch – my awakening – Kate Emmerson is a friend and mentor, an inspiration and her book “Ditch your Glitch” has allowed me to realize my Glitch, to identify with her story, to understand that I am not alone. This book is a revolutionary eye opener into where I am right now, what needs to be addressed, how to shift change and more importantly, how to ensure a continuity of growth. As an entrepreneur, I get so suffocated with my own rules, my own struggles, my own failure that I never for one minute realised that this in fact was my Glitch, the essence of what is holding me back. Kate, thank you – this is my beginning. Janine Starkey -Speaker and Designer for House of Janine. International Image Consultant. South Africa.
I have consumed many business and self-help books over the years. I was curious to see what new learning Kate would have for me in her new book, Ditch Your Glitch. Was I surprised when she went straight to my Glitch at the beginning of the book, describing it in finest detail. It made me pay attention to what followed. Kate uses old tools and new ones to shift a whole bunch of stuff in a very short time, if you follow her process. She shares hugely valuable exercises in an economical way. The potatoes blew me away. After reading the book I see potatoes everywhere. You must try her potatoes. My thinking shifted in the most powerful way. Forever. Thank you Kate for life changing learning, magical mind maps to plot my future with, and potatoes. Melanie Brummer – Entrepreneur South Africa
“The pages of Ditch Your Glitch hold a wisdom and energy that is hard to express. Kate’s authenticity complimented by her passion will help you create remarkable shifts. I have attended a self development growth club for a year and I find that Kate’s book encapsulates most of what I have learnt.” Celynn Erasmus – Professional Speaker, Registered Dietician, Author, Passionate Foodie. South Africa
In writing “Ditch Your Glitch”, Kate Emmerson takes you on a step-by-step process beyond your comfort zone to honestly face aspects of yourself and your life that you may not be comfortable with and to realise that success in your life starts with you. Committing to the 21 step process helps you to truthfully face those areas that need to be changed and gives you the confidence to start setting big, audacious goals to become the best version you can be of yourself. Success is achieved by taking small steps that bring you closer to your goals. The lessons learnt are captured daily in the journal you will purchase, allowing you to track your own progress and to recognise those special milestones. Kate shares her life lessons; she even says “I never offer up processes or ideas to clients if I have not tried and proved them for myself”. It is a comfort to know that you do not have to go on this experience on your own. Kate has developed a Facebook page that allows you to post updates on the progress you have made and those light-bulb moments that have resulted out of the process, and also to share the areas you may be struggling with and to get support and ideas from the group to push through these blockages.
We are privileged to be guided by such an authentic leader, who has lived the life she is inspiring us to live. This is not just a book of theory; these lessons have guided Kate to achieve the most wonderful things she has achieved in her life. Kate gently and firmly spurs you on to take bold steps through openly sharing her journey with the readers, making the lessons believable and achievable. I encourage you to read this book which will challenge you to get started on a whole new path to success and fulfilment with a renewed zest. I know that’s what it did for me. Colleen Larsen – CE: Business Engage South Africa
“Kate Emmerson has done it again! DITCH YOUR GLITCH encourages us to look deep into our core to find our magnificence. The only glitch is our glitches keep us from feeling magnificent and being our true self. Ms. Emmerson expertly guides us to ditch our glitch with easy to follow steps and enlightening examples. Kate bravely shares her own back story and exposes her glitches showing that she doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk.” Carol Scibelli: Author of “Poor Widow Me” New York.
Kate Emmerson’s “Ditch Your Glitch”, is witty, down to earth, personal, full of great reminders, and my favorite part is that her book embodies Kate’s spunk, spark, energy as a person and her same zeal for life. “Ditch Your Glitch” is also open and honest which is so important for others to connect & relate as I, the reader did. Thanks for the journey Kate. Carly Alyssa Thorne – Author, Speaker, Producer, Director Los Angeles
‘Kate Emmerson is the ‘Indiana Jones’ of shifting lives and always finds a way of turning something that is usually at the bottom of our To Do list (How the bleep do I stop being stuck in a rut?!)… into an adventure ( clearing away cobwebs, reading maps, finding treasure). Eventually we realise that what started out as an ordinary goal ends up being an extraordinary journey (.. with buried loot everywhere!). In ‘Ditch your Glitch’ we get the chance to find our very own ‘Holy Grail’ – come Home to Self, harness our power, and play with our magic. For someone like me who keeps tripping myself up on the “same ol’ same ol’” issues, I found the chapters on self limiting beliefs, top ten values and getting Balsy with Boundaries to contain many ‘Aha!’ moments and I am eager now to apply these to my everyday disciplines. I am also significantly impressed with how its possible to move towards forgiveness with the help of a sack of potatoes! ‘How to Ditch your Glitch’ is an honest easy to follow book which will give you honest easy to reap benefits …you just have to SHOW UP and commit to the adventure.’ Natasha Sutherland – Author, Actress and Motivational Speaker. South Africa.
Kate Emmmerson has so much passion for life, and she has shared it boldly in her book “Clear Your Clutter”, her YouTube videos, and now in her new book “Ditch Your Glitch”. I have yet to meet a person who hasn’t had a story, a struggle, some pain in their life. Too many people try to pick themselves up, and try to move on…only to find themselves in the same or similar situation. We’ve all had things that have snagged us in our lives, but few go through the effort to unsnag themselves….to look at what’s holding them back, and why. Kate Emmerson has done that in her own life, and has broken down the steps that got her past her own glitches and has written this wonderful book to help you “Ditch Your Glitch” as well. The things that are holding you back from where you want your life to be. Kate has beautifully blended her own personal experiences, her clients examples, and practical exercises that walk you through each step of the way, along with holding you accountable so you are gently pushed towards your goals that you have defined. If you’re ready to move forward in life, this book will help you do just that. Lori Park- Angel Intuitive, Chicago
“From beginning to the end this is a book that you won’t be able to put down! It truly will help you shift your life and perspective. There are so many great pieces of information that are shared in ‘Ditch My Glitch’ that will inspire you to take action today! I found myself creating a new vision board for the 3rd and 4th quarter of the year in order to set my personal and professional life up for success for the year ahead. Kate’s book will motivate you to be your very best self and will also help you to reach unlimited potential!”~ Beth Bracaglia – Chief Simplicity Officer of Simply Organized and creator of Beth Bracaglia’s Simply Inspired. Ellicott City, MD
“I met Kate quite recently and was immediately captivated by her energy and stimulating conversation. This book is no different to the spirit she evokes in her conversations. The honesty and transparency of her personal story in the beginning illustrates the authentic nature of the content she shares in assisting you and I to truly transform our lives. Ditch Your Glitch is a meaningful and real step-by-step transformational work out that, if you remain true to your commitments, will bring about the desired changes in your life. I feel like I am thriving more than before I read this book. I have moved from mere existence to truly living. And you too can!”~ Alex Granger – CEO: The Possibility of YOU, Professional Speaker, and Author. JHB South Africa
I found Kate Emmerson’s Ditch Your Glitch to be a wonderful mix between The Artist’s Way and Jack Canfield’s – The Success Principles. In it, she presents a practical step by step guide to creating personal transformation by understanding and addressing those things that are holding you, the reader, back from creating a better, more fulfilled life. She doesn’t tell you how to do it – she shows you how to do it. By using her own personal journey as insightful examples, you feel as if she is there with you in this easy to follow, actionable, transformative and very readable book. Tessa Graham – Capturing Brilliance, Creating Brands, Building Businesses. South Africa.
From the start this was a truly inspiring book. It kept me wanting more and more and more each day although you said wait. Be patient. This book is like money in that you always want to have it by your side. Through all my massive obstacles I managed to work through every single exercise in the book. What a challenge it was especially for me for – someone suffering from depression, illness, health problems, financial problems and life going nowhere. The most challenging exercise was the “potato” one. What a challenge to keep that bag of potatoes with me wherever I went. I was looked at strangely and funnily but luckily I never felt the need to explain myself. Only the closest people in my life knew about what I was up to. After day 4 I realised that I am carrying all this weight in my heart and on my shoulders. I started to write sms’es, make calls (the ones I could call) and although most of them hurt me I started the forgiving process. No need for thousands of rands at a psychologist etc. This book helped me finally get over my issues with forgiving which was the hardest part. How do you forgive someone … well I did it with Kate’s help and I feel lighter than ever (not in body weight yet) in mental weight. I left those hurtful potatoes of my past scattered all over the field and it felt so good. I am now in control of my emotions and I will not allow people to use and abuse me anymore. Lighting my candle the next day and writing in my journal was actually the shortest paragraph ever but filled the lightest feeling of relief . I have taken action on all the aspects of my life and it feel great. I have made my bucket list even though only a couple of things for now – I will do them – maybe not tomorrow but I have set myself a time frame for this expanding list – I am taking everything step by step. I will buy this book for all my family members and my friends who I know will benefit from this.Thank you for this, Kate, it has changed my life and made it much easier doing everything step by step. This book it is a complete eye opener and I am deeply relieved about taking stock of my life and sorting everything out for myself and putting myself on my priority list for once. Yolanda Duvenhage, A brav woman and mum
As soon as the e-book is available I will let you know!