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REASONS TO ZAP YOUR KR@P – what is your Clutter REALLY costing you?

By September 5, 2016No Comments

It’s time to wake up and be brutally honest as to what is holding you back, keeping you stuck and weighing you down! My life motto is to help people to LIVE LIGHT, LIVE LARGE and to that end, one of my areas of expertise is “clutter” that manifests at ALL levels in your life. The subject fascinates me and I get a real kick out of helping you work through your clutter.

Clutter is a powerful triangle of physical, emotional and physiological aspects.

Physical clutter is all the tangible mess and chaos that we can see with our eyes – too much stuff, not well organized, chaos, mess etc. Imagine buyers walking into your home on showday – would they be impressed or repulsed?

Emotional clutter is the baggage that we hang onto that negatively affects how we feel emotionally – anger, resentment, betrayal, hurt and old negative patterns etc. It also covers so much more stuff that we cannot see, we only see the effects of it in our lives.

Physiological clutter is what lies inside our body and negatively zaps our va va voom and vitality –pain, illness, excess weight, cellulite etc).


I want to challenge you to think about what and where YOU are stuck, stagnant and CLUTTERED?
What’s the real cost of all 3 forms in your life from a few angles?
I am talking about time, money and energy…grab something delicious  to drink and read the info below:

  1. When you have too much stuff in your life and it is not stored in some form of order, you may find that you go and buy duplicates. For e.g. you know you have a black top somewhere in your cupboard but you cannot find it. You do not know what is in your medicine/ cosmetic / grocery cupboard so you just buy more cream, toothpaste or chutney “just in case”.
  2. When you need to locate something in your house or office, you cannot immediately find it in your memory retrieval system. You have to start thinking about “where on earth could I have put it?”, or “which pile of documents to wade through first?” Translated- a total waste of time and energy that stops you doing more useful things and makes you feel stupid.
  3. If you equate any time that you spend looking for things, or sorting, or even wondering where stuff is, shuffling papers….just do the mathematics into an hourly rate. If you were earning $20 an hour, and you spend just half an hour a day looking for stuff, that would add up to $3640 per year. Yikes! If you have a cluttered life, I bet you are wasting this everyday. Beat the recession by clutter clearing!
  4. Don’t laugh at this one…..but do you or anyone you know need to rent or buy extra storage space to keep all your stuff? So you can’t even access all the possessions that you own? Or you eventually move into a bigger place because you outgrow your old one? Are you trying to SELL THIS HOME RIGHT NOW? Or what about the extreme of not being able to park cars in garages because they are filled with clutter. Now talk about wasting money or devalue-ing your possessions! I work with to help clients store stuff mindfully and purposefully, not just thrown into offsite storage never to be seen in ten years. They are all about VALET STORAGE and having a living relationship with your stuff – and it can be returned to you at the click of a button!
  5. Lots of clutter in your life is very depressing, makes you feel embarrassed, overwhelmed and chaotic. This does not allow you to be creative, energetic and able to put wholeheartedness behind exciting projects. If every time you walk into your office you feel “yuck” because of all the mess, how is that going to help you get organized and productive each day? It will just keep you stuck.
  6. What about late bills because you are disordered, or even late tax submissions because you can’t find all your paperwork for your accountant. Let alone the emotional stress of this, there are the real financial penalties imposed. Or what about annual renewals being late e.g. car licence, audits, medical checks because you have no systems in place?
  7. What about the money that is locked up in your clutter. EVERY single time I go into a client’s home we find money – literally picking it up, or by selling stuff, or we find our financial policies, etc, not to mention the creative energy unleashed that gives people ideas on how to welcome MORE abundance their way.  When you keep things that no longer serve you, then you are blocking cash flow….these could all be sold and free up some cash. They could also be gifted to friends or charities to get your feel-good juices flowing. My clutter clients generate heaps of cash after clearing out, and then put that money to better use…let alone the joy of cherishing all the space they have created.
  8. Having too much clutter also blocks the flow of abundant energy. Think about a dam that is full of dirty, murky water. If you add more water the volume just gets bigger, but it all stays murky and the mud/ weeds keep growing. If however you clear out the dam first, then you can have fresh clean water that is full of life, light and energy. Clutter in your home is dull and stagnant and does not allow for new and fresh in your life. It will absolutely sabotage the sale of your home too!
  9. And what about the wasted time, effort and money to keep all the additional stuff you have CLEAN? Clutter in the form of objects and possessions have got to be looked after, dusted, cleaned etc. Either it is costing your time, or the money you spend to employ someone to do it for you.
  10. What about the time lost due to emotional baggage that you are holding onto? If you are holding grudges, resentment, non-forgiveness, anger, hatred etc, well quite frankly it is taking all your precious energy from you. That baggage could be freed up by letting go and moving on, giving you the space for fresh vital energy, creativity and joy.
  11. Linked to this is the body clutter you may be holding onto. Pain, illness, toxins and weight are all forms of clutter your body no longer needs. Letting this form of physiological clutter hold you back is a real disservice to your body. Treat your body well as you really do deserve health and vitality so that you have the energy to face an awesome day.



WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO NEXT TO  GET STARTED ON YOUR JOURNEY TO LIVE LIGHT LIVE LARGE… perhaps it’s time to disconnect a little bit. Grab my latest free email series here… 








ONE LIFE at a time