There are two ways to look at expectancy – one is on a purely materialistic, foot stomping, “get your own way” kind of way to look at it. The second is the way that paves the way to miracles happening … and what I’m talking about below.
Whatever your religious persuasion or affiliation, miracles can occur in any form – be it in gifts, unexpected pleasures, hardships being overcome, little pearls of wisdom dropping into your lap, a chance meeting with someone that somehow changes the course of your life.
Miraculous things happen in each and every moment and if you are looking out for them…a positive expectancy of finding the good and the glow in every minute, rather than the sick and the slow.
So what do you EXPECT IN YOUR LIFE?
Miracles do not have to be massive positive explosions of energy or gigantic outcomes…they can be a collection of small wondrous occurrences, that once witnessed can alter your life forever. A smile from someone who is worse off that you is a form of minute by minute miracle, a flower blossoming from mud is one too; being able to get up and survive each day no matter what is thrown at you is a miraculous testament to the strength of human spirit; an animal’s unconditional love no matter how you treat it they will always welcome you home again – we could learn from that as humans.
So this beautiful sentence “The Atmosphere of Expectancy is the Breeding Ground for Miracles” that I heard on a TV channel really grabbed me from a life perspective!
I think it is just the reminder that we have to create the atmosphere from within….how you take and make each moment of each day determines the overall outcome of your life. If you have a positive atmosphere that you create in and around your life, you will live in that atmosphere like your own little magic bubble. Once you “map” or “match” that positive atmosphere with the concept of also constantly expecting great things to happen to you, with magic and miracles coming your way all the time, good to prevail and happiness to be possible……well then that too will be your reality. And even when the inevitable bumps come along in the road, you will see them in perspective of the whole – and gain some insight and wisdom from the event, even when it is life threatening or heartbreaking. It’s about being able to be OK in the middle of the storm even when you want to die. The expectancy that this too shall pass, I will get through this no matter what.
What you focus on, INCREASES. That is a simple universal spiritual law. So if you focus on expecting more and more positive things to flood your way, that’s what you will get more of. Energy can move towards you because you are ready for it and welcoming it. Do you know that you can chase things away as well… simply having the wrong attitude, being pessimistic, negative, focussing on everything that you don’t want and having an atmosphere of negative expectancy?
Where attention goes ENERGY FLOWS!!!
So when you IMMERSE yourself in the atmosphere of POSITIVE expectancy, then ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. Live with the possibility of magic and see what happens to you.
Be open to flow in your life, be open to opportunity. Align your desires with what is for your highest goals. Have goals and outcomes but let go of attachment to the outcome. OOOOhhhhh boy that is often a hard one hey!!! If something is meant to be yours you will not be able to keep it from you, but you always have to be willing to STEP UP in your life.
I am so passionate about this concept of sorting out our inner life, our core, our sense of self that I created a very snappy, zappy 30 day e-mail course titled THE CAPPUCCINO CHALLENGE. Designed to take you 20 minutes a day – just for YOU. You can check it out WATCH HERE
This is a journey loved by thousands – if YOU need to put yourself back on your own priority list again, so that you can start seeing the positive in yourself, others and your environment, then this is the most streamlined way to do that..
- Easy to follow daily challenges, that can be implemented from anywhere – home, office or your favourite coffee shoppe
- Combination of short videos and punchy emails that take less that 2 minutes to read!
- Integrate the 20 minutes a day habit
- Small Tweaks will lead to MASSIVE CHANGES
- Create a new habit linked to your daily ritual of drinking coffee, tea or smoothies so you will always stick to it
- Themed challenges to focus your efforts each week
- How to Put Yourself back on your own TO DO LIST!
Improve your relationship with yourself – the MOST important one
Challenge how you interact with your environment
Re-engage and communicate with others in a more effective way
Learn to trust what life brings your way
A private online community of support so you do not feel alone on your journey
Real support from Kate who actively supports, cajoles, guides and motivates you
I can’t wait to support the shifts you will make so that you become the breeding ground for miracles again.
LEARN MORE NOW – when you sign up you immediately get started on your journey of self awareness and new habits formed with ease. Remember, where attention goes ENERGY FLOWS!!!
With lightness,