Hello everybody – today I’m here to share a little message about Breaking the Seal.
Any idea what it means?
I was explaining the concept to my Stockbridge based USA book publisher this past week as we were planning and plotting launching my current and new books in the USA. The concept that I remember growing up as a teenager was that as I was starting to drink alcohol a little bit; go out with boys; go out “partying”etc. we would know about this following concept: If you were for e.g. drinking beer, you had a window period of a couple (up to four) of beers that you could drink until you literally had to “break the seal”. I know it’s a little bit odd, but breaking the seal would mean the first time that you would have to go to the bathroom. After you did that, that was it, you were done “holding on” for the night. You would have to go and pee probably every 20 minutes to half an hour after breaking the seal. And then it just flowed continuously. With ease, no stopping the flow.
I’ve often spoken about this concept in coaching and reflected on it in my own life about the times when things appear really stagnant, or something new is about to take off and it is all “on pause” until the seal is broken. It’s like everything is just hanging on till the very last minute. When talking about how to grow your business or make shifts in a specific areas, it’s that concept of, “What one thing do you need to do to break the seal”?
Breaking the seal means you start the flow that is inevitably unstoppable. Cool huh?
Today, I have personally just broken the seal on the USA market for my first book that has been published here called, ‘Clear Your Clutter.’ We hosted a talk at a beautiful, local chocolate shop called, ‘Chocolate Springs’, and we had a very small, lovely, intimate gathering and we sold 4 books and also donated one to the local library. Is it a lot? Well, perhaps Not in the grand scheme of things, but you know what? It’s 400% more than what I had sold this morning.
I’m feeling fantastic. I also feel like I have a new home here. My publisher, Deborah, and her husband are just delightful. It’s so wonderful to think about breaking the seal on the USA market, because this has been something that I have been dreaming about. I intended it. Created a goal. I had a lot of support from a lot of people, and the seal has been broken, so USA, watch out. Book sales, watch out.
The question really is – What area of your life, yes YOURS, do you need to break the seal on?
What is it that you need to do to get the flow going?
If you’re starting a coaching business, how do you just get your first client?
If you know it’s finally time to de-clutter – WHERE oh WHERE and which shelf to attack first? Just pick one!
I would have honestly been happy today having sold 1 book. Which we actually did before the talk even started and she was simply in the coffee shop and couldn’t stay for the talk. And I’m thinking – “That’s it. I’ve sold ONE book. I’ve broken the seal. Wooooohhhhhooooo ”
Do you need your first client? You can’t have 10 until you have 1!
If you want to break the seal around exercise, how do you just get started – go for your first short walk, sign up for that class or book your first assessment with a personal trainer?
How do you simply think about participating and creating flow. My friend, the fairy godmother, will love this, because she’s all about flow. I want you to think about breaking the seal and to honestly admit to yourself what do you need to do?
A passion, a hobby, a career, saying no?
Perhaps that FIRST phone call to set “IT” in motion.
Invite that mentor out to coffee?
Ask “you know who” for that lead they promised?
Look at that holiday destination?
Outsource that problem to a professional?
Say YES to the first date.
Try on a new outfit?
Perhaps for you it’s starting to get organized and de-clutter your home or your office. So breaking the seal would simply be starting with your desk. Don’t worry about the rest of the office for now. If it’s your entire home, perhaps, as outlined in my book, you start simply with your bedside table. Small! If it’s the garage, perhaps you start with 1 shelf. Start as small as you need to to break the seal, start the flow, keep going.
I am so passionate about this concept of starting small, breaking the seal and shifting your life right now that I have created an entire video series – FREE of charge to support to get started. Click here to QUICK SHIFT 1 THING using the 4 G-SPOTS of TRANSFORMATION
If I can help you do that as smartly as possible, then I know you have broken the seal. And that is good for ALL of us. And then for sure, perhaps you will feel ready to trust me to help you take the next step. But we will cross that barrier when we get there … and there is no obligation. I simply get a kick out of helping people SHIFT!
When you sign up, you will need to confirm your e-mail address, and get stuck into the first video with pen and paper. Then I will send you 2 more videos. Then you will be invited to my other fabulous programme called The Cappuccino Challenge. Another surefire way to keep the flow after breaking the seal. Loved by THOUSANDS of CLIENTS that have transformed their lives permanently in just 20 minutes a day – Just so you know what’s in store for you as you join my “tribe” ok?
These 3 live videos will cover the 4 G spots of Transformation – Grips, Gap, Grow and Guts.
You need to simply BREAK THE SEAL – CLICK HERE NOW
BREAK THE SEAL in 1 area to have a knock on effect on all aspects of life.
Now, I’m off to break another seal – but more about that next time…